Competitive exam question

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

- MCQs are widely used in competitive exams.

- Candidates choose the correct answer from a set of options.

2. Fill in the Blanks:

- Candidates fill in the missing words or phrases in a given sentence or paragraph.

- Tests vocabulary, grammar, and contextual understanding.

3. True or False:

- Candidates determine whether a statement is true or false.

- Requires critical thinking and attention to detail.

4. Matching Questions:

- Candidates match items from one column to corresponding items in another column.

- Tests knowledge of associations and relationships.

5. Assertion-Reasoning Questions:

- Candidates evaluate whether a given assertion is true or false.

- They also provide a reasoning for their answer.

6. Data Interpretation (DI):

- Involves analyzing data presented in tables, graphs, or charts.

- Tests numerical and analytical skills.

7. Logical Reasoning:

- Assesses logical thinking, pattern recognition, and problem-solving abilities.

- Includes questions on series, analogies, coding-decoding, and puzzles.

8. Quantitative Aptitude:

- Tests mathematical skills, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation.

- Questions involve percentages, ratios, averages, and time-speed-distance.

9. General Awareness:

- Covers current affairs, history, geography, science, and culture.

- Tests knowledge of national and international events.

10. English Language and Comprehension:

- Includes questions on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and sentence correction.

11. Essay Writing and Descriptive Questions:

- Candidates write essays or descriptive answers on specific topics.

- Tests writing skills, coherence, and expression.